We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy 2024-2029, a comprehensive plan designed to support autistic individuals and their families across Norfolk. This strategy is a result of a robust co-production process, ensuring that the voices of those it aims to support are at its heart.
The Co-Production Journey
Formation of the Strategy Reference Group: In August 2023, we established a Strategy Reference Group comprising autistic individuals, their parents and carers, and professionals. This group assessed the outcomes of the previous strategy and identified ongoing needs, encapsulated in the “You Said, We Did” document.
Engagement through Surveys and Workbooks: To gather broader input, we released both online and offline surveys, allowing autistic individuals and their families to share their perspectives and priorities. These tools ensured accessibility and wide-reaching engagement.
Focus Groups for Deep Insights: From January to March 2024, we conducted focus groups—both in-person and online—to delve deeper into the community’s needs and refine our priorities.
The Six Strategic Priorities
The culmination of this collaborative effort is the identification of six key priorities, aligned with the national strategy for autistic children, young people, and adults:
- Improve understanding and inclusion of autism
- Improve access to education and support transitions into adulthood
- Support adults into employment
- Tackle health inequalities for autistic people
- Build the right support in the community
- Improve support within the criminal and youth justice systems
These priorities reflect the areas that the Norfolk community has identified as crucial for improving the lives of autistic individuals over the next five years.
Moving Forward Together
We are proud to launch the Refreshed Norfolk All-Age Autism Strategy. This strategy is not just a document but a commitment to ongoing co-production, ensuring that as needs evolve, so too will our approach.
We invite you to join us in this journey. Stay engaged, provide feedback, and help us create a more inclusive Norfolk by visiting: https://www.norfolkautismpartnership.org.uk/interest-register/ and registering your interest to join our work.
You can read the Norfolk Autism Strategy by clicking on of the buttons below:
For more detailed information about the strategy and the co-production process, visit the Norfolk Autism Partnership website.
Together, we can make a difference.