Date & Venue:
13th October 2021, Microsoft Teams (Online Meeting)
Key Highlights:
- Leadership & Membership Updates:
- Adrian Grant acted as co-chair in place of Trevor Key.
- Working Group Updates:
- Workforce Development:
- 36% of NCC staff completed autism eLearning, with 64% of Adult Social Services staff and 47% of Children’s Services staff trained.
- New training programs planned for 2022, including Oliver McGowan training.
- Plans to extend training to primary care providers.
- Diagnosis:
- Exploring ways to increase autistic representation and reduce professional-dominated discussions.
- Engagement:
- Autism Norfolk Forum relaunched as a hybrid event.
- Website ranked highly in Google searches.
- Next forum to focus on mental health services.
- Employment:
- New working group formed; early discussions underway.
- Education:
- Board exploring formation of a dedicated Education Working Group.
- Workforce Development:
- Governance & Safeguarding Updates:
- Terms of Reference & Application Form approved.
- Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) presentation on Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs), including former Cawston Park Hospital residents.
- Plan to raise awareness through the next Autism Norfolk Forum.
- Other Key Announcements:
- Board thanked Sue Bridges and Rosemary Boutet for their contributions.
- Next meeting to focus on the National Autism Strategy and Board membership review.
Next Steps:
- Expand autism training to primary care providers.
- Continue refining Diagnosis Working Group structure.
- Prepare for next Autism Norfolk Forum on mental health.
- Develop Education Working Group.
Next Meeting: 12 January 2022, Microsoft Teams
To read the full minutes click here