On this page, you will find a list of current co-production and engagement opportunities that you can get involved with to help shape and develop services for Autistic people.

To be kept up-to-date with future co-production and engagement opportunities please click here to register your interest

Current co-production and engagement opportunities


In Person

Norfolk's Drug and Alchol System

What is the SULE Project?

The Substance Use Lived Experience (SULE) Project is a research initiative led by Peer Researchers with lived experience of recovery from substance misuse. The project aims to shape the future of Norfolk’s drug and alcohol support system by gathering the voices of:

  • People who are currently or have previously accessed drug and alcohol services.
  • People who use or have used substances but have not accessed formal support.
  • Friends, families, and carers of those affected by substance use.

The goal is to identify what works well and what could be improved, ensuring that lived experiences influence decision-making at all levels.

How to Get Involved

If you have lived experience or insights to share, there are several ways to participate:

  • One-to-One Conversations – Share your experiences confidentially in a format that suits you (in-person, online, or by phone).
  • Small Group Discussions – Join a group to discuss issues and help develop a lived experience-led recovery community in Norfolk.

For more information or an informal chat:
Email: Jamie-Barnes@together-uk.org

Call/Text: 07521 430272

Website: www.together-uk.org


Healthwatch Norfolk Survey -NHS App (16-30 year olds living in Norfolk)

Who is Healthwatch Norfolk?
Healthwatch Norfolk is the independent voice representing patients and service users across the county. Our mission is to gather public opinions of local health and social care services, ensuring that views are heard by the people in charge.

What is this survey about?
The NHS App is a free digital application developed by the NHS to give patients access to a range of health services and information through their electronic devices.
Healthwatch Norfolk is currently working with NHS Norfolk and Waveney to understand how young people currently use the NHS App, their opinions of it, as well as what could encourage them to download it or use it more.

Who is the survey for?
This survey is open to anyone 16-30 living in Norfolk.
We welcome feedback from both users and non-users of the NHS App.
All survey entries will be entered into a draw to win one of five £50 Amazon vouchers.

When and how can people access the survey?
The survey is open until Sunday 2nd March 2025 and will take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
Here is the link to access the survey:
Young people who prefer to complete the survey by phone
can call Healthwatch Norfolk on 0808 168 9889 (10am-4pm, Monday to Friday).


Adult Social Care: Consultation Group

Ascent are organising a consultation group to discuss:
What is your experience with adult social care services?
Why are we organising this group?
Understanding people’s experience with adult care services can help us
think how adult care services can benefit from new research.
Who can participate?
Individuals who access adult social care services and carers for people who
use adult social care services.
We will offer a thank-you voucher of £25 to attendees.
The consultation group will be held online at MS Teams (you will need to
have access to online facilities).
Tuesday 25 February 2025 at 14.00 – 15.00.
To book your place:
Please contact Lida Efstathopoulou at l.g.efstathopoulou@herts.ac.uk
Once your place is confirmed, a meeting link will be sent to you.
Please book your place by Tuesday 18 February 2025


Norfolk SEND Survey 2025

The Norfolk  special educational needs and disability (SEND) survey 2025 is open Monday 13 January – Sunday 23 February 2025. We really need your views on SEND services and support in Norfolk.

Our survey is for parents, carers, professionals who work with children and young people with SEND and their families, and young people with SEND who are aged 25 or younger.

The Survey is now open, running until February 23rd, 2025.

Aimed at parents, carers, professionals working with children and young people with SEND and their families, as well as young people with SEND aged 25 or under.

You can find out more about the survey here or click here to go straight to the survey


Carer Involvement Meetings

These meetings are an opportunity for Carers to come together with people and organisations working in the
local area to share feedback about services. They also offer the chance to connect with other Carers and gain valuable information about support and activities in the local area. They take place four times a year and are split into five geographical areas of Norfolk and Waveney to ensure that the information is local and relevant.
All meetings have a friendly atmosphere and take place on Zoom. You can join and leave at any time throughout the session. For the Zoom link please email info@carersvoice.org or click on the button above.

February/ March
6th February– West Norfolk
13th February– East and Waveney
20th February– South Norfolk
27th February– Norwich/ Central Norfolk
6th March– North Norfolk

1st May– West Norfolk
8th May– East and Waveney
15th May– South Norfolk
22nd May– Norwich/ Central Norfolk
29th May– North Norfolk

July/August-Dates to be confirmed

October/ November
30th October– West Norfolk
6th November– East and Waveney
13th November– South Norfolk
20th November– Norwich/ Central Norfolk
27th November- North Norfolk

You can Click Here to download the meetings dates.

In Person

Women’s experience of accessing healthcare

On behalf of Norfolk & Waveney Community Voices Asperger East Anglia we will be holding the following meetings to learn about Women’s experience of accessing healthcare.
We are keen to hear about good and bad experiences so that we can feedback this information back to Health Care Professionals and help to improve health services for women with Autism.
If you are interested in attending any of the meetings below please contact info@asperger.org.uk or call 01603 620500 mobile
  • Tuesday 21st January 11am – 12:30pm on Zoom (menopause guest speaker)
  • Thursday January 30th 12pm – 3pm at the King’s Lynn Discovery Centre
  • Thursday February 6th Zoom 2pm – 3:30pm
  • Thursday February 13th 2pm – 3:30pm at the Charing Cross Centre Norwich (menopause guest speaker)
  • Monday 3rd March 10:30pm to 12pm in person at the Charing Cross Centre (menopause guest speaker)


Autism Norfolk Forum

Autism Norfolk Forum is a place for autistic people of all ages and their families, along with anyone with an interest in autism, to engage with each other. It’s a place where you can share your experiences of autism in the knowledge that it will inform the current and future priorities of the Norfolk Autism Partnership Board. At each forum, you can get updates from members of the Board about its ongoing work.

The next Autism Forum Norfolk is on:

Date: Tuesday 29th April 2025
Time: 13:00-15:00
Location: Via Zoom (pre-registration required)

Click Here to Register

For more information click here


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