The Autism Norfolk Forum

Autism Norfolk Forum is a place for autistic people of all ages and their families, along with anyone with an interest in autism, to engage with each other. It’s a place where you can share your experiences of autism in the knowledge that it will inform the current and future priorities of the Norfolk Autism Partnership Board. At each forum, you can get updates from members of the Board about its ongoing work.


The next Autism Forum Norfolk is on:

Date: Tuesday 21st January 2025
Time: 13:00-15:00
Location: Via Zoom (pre-registration required)

Click Here to Register

As part of the Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy 2024-2029 the Norfolk Autism partnership wishes to engage in a conversation with the Mental Health Service teams and commissioners about the lack of autism-aligned Mental Health services for Autistic people in Norfolk.  As outlined in the NHS England’s Meeting the needs of autistic adults in mental health services.

To do this we need your help to illustrate the impact this has on you or an autistic person you care for by hearing your stories.

At this Norfolk Autism Forum, we want to hear about your experiences, both good and bad, as an autistic person or an autistic person you care for and their experiences of using Mental Health Services in Norfolk.

The three questions we will ask are:

-Have you been able to access an autism-aligned mental health service in Norfolk?

-Did it meet your needs as an autistic person?

-What did or could have made it better for you?

You can tell us your answers either in person at the Norfolk Autism forum or confidentiality by clicking here to complete a short questionnaire.  This information will then be used to aid in the discussions around Mental Health Services for autistic people.

All information given will be treated as confidential and all personal and identifying information will be removed.

We do our best not to change the dates and times of the forums but sometimes we might have to move or cancel a meeting.

To keep up to date, check this page or contact us.

Autism Norfolk Forum Meeting Notes

To view the notes of the Autism Norfolk  Forum please click here.

To view the Autism Norfolk Forums terms of reference please go to governance.

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